The Tyrant´s friend (2015)
50 minutes
Director & Script Writer: Mohanad Salahat
Producer: Andreas Rocksén
Laika Film & Television AB - Stockholm, AL Jazeera TV Channel.
For three years Abdulahi Hussein collects evidence and tries to make contact with international human rights organizations to brief them about what is going on in Ogaden. As he was close to the president with the position as head of media he had access to sensitive material. Through Abdulahi and other Ogadenians shattered around the world we will with this film open the Dictatorship’s files. In this film, a close friend to the president of Ogaden tells his story about his time with a dictator. New, secretly copied video files reveal spectacular facts about the closed region. This is the first time the true side of Ogaden is presented in the media.