The Witness (2014)
50 minutes
Director & Scriptwriter: Mohanad Salahat
Producer: Andreas Rocksén
When the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is opening its case against Hezbollah-related suspects for the assassination of Rafik Hariri and 22 others I the Hague, there are many voices questioning the legitimacy of the court. The investigation has been mishandled and false witnesses have misled the investigators they say. In interviews the leaders of the investigation, Detlev Mehlis and Bo Åström are describing their work and explaining their first reports to the UN Security Council, pointing out Syria as responsible for the murder. Their reports were based on witnesses that have since been questioned as doubtful in character and facts. Abd Elbaset Bani Auda was one of them. Appearing in this film he tells about his statement to the investigation and how he was failed by the investigators. In a contract, he was promised new citizenship, changed appearance, and identity. But none of that was fulfilled. Instead, Auda was threatened by the Swedish police Bo Åström to be sent back to Israel. The policeman’s behavior is questioned by Swedish lawyers and UN lawyers. Through secretly recorded phone calls and documents, the full story about the relationship between Auda and the United Nations Is revealed.